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Deciphering the code – equipping today’s students for tomorrow’s careers

While considering an investment in technology education, we got to know the leadership at Code Nation over the course of many months and many conversations. But one conversation stuck out.

“In 15 years people are going to fall into two buckets,” one of the organization’s senior leaders told us during a visit to our office. “You’re either going to be telling a computer what to do or a computer is going to be telling you what to do.”

Unfortunately, the current trajectory for most under-resourced students has them pointed toward the latter bucket. So how do we solve that problem and equip kids from low-income backgrounds to succeed in an increasingly technological world?

We believe Code Nation is part of the answer.

Code Nation offers up to three years of computer coding courses and work-based learning programs for high school students. Year 1 consists of a project-based course in web development that introduces students to the field of Computer Science and equips them with a foundational technical skill set. Years 2 and 3 consist of a fellowship program that emphasizes both technical and professional skills, during which they create their own portfolios.

Code Nation serves roughly 1,500 students. More than 67% of its reported alumni who completed two or more years of its programs are currently majoring or employed in a STEM field. Over half are studying or working in Computer Science.

Kids & Community Partners’ multi-year multi-million-dollar investment will help the organization scale.

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